The X-Ray is compatible with the Best Mods for Minecraft.

They can only tell if the client will be compatible with the server or not, because the “protocol version” is compared when joining a server. Can Minecraft servers detect hacked clients? There is a key/button that will toggle the Xray on and off you will have to figure out which that is via the controls menu because it can be different for different players. Next time you open Minecraft through the Forge option in the launcher, the mod will be installed. Another X-ray hack, working in bedrock, allows you to ride a pig in a 1 1/2 block high space. Once your head is inside the block you will notice that your air bar is frozen at full and you can x-ray in all directions.

How do you use the advanced XRay Mod in Minecraft?

There is currently no plugin that can detect xray texture packs, so unless you have a plugin that logs when something is mined or something to spot xrayers, xray texture packs are invincible.